Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Better Nights

Hi babies,
Tonight I wanted to fill you in on how we've made so much progress on how our nights have been going.  We are still in a two bedroom apartment, though we have really wanted a house.  Even if it was just a house to rent.  Lately we have really needed 3 bedrooms.  But tonight is night THREE of my little guy and girl asleep in the same room!  Finally we moved little girl into the room with little guy.  Little girl was finally-for the most part-down to waking up only once at night.  We had wanted to get her sleeping through the night before moving her to his room.  If she wakes up at night, she usually starts crying, and we don't want her waking him up!  He is not easy to get back to sleep at night if he wakes up.  But we wondered if maybe she would do better if we just went ahead and moved her in there with him.  She would stir every time we would stir when she slept in our room.  So for that she really needed her own room so there would be nobody to disturb her sleep.  But we are one room short, so in with him she goes!  Finally we just did it, and put her in with him. So far, the first night she woke up crying at around 3am so I rushed in and scooped her up before she had a chance to wake him up.  Rocked for awhile, then layed back down.  Then she slept until after 7am!  So the first night went fairly well for the first night.  Last night which was night 2, went better.  I put both of you to bed about 7:30 and it didn't take either one long to fall asleep.  She woke up crying about 10pm though.  Luckily I hadn't gone to bed yet.  Rocked for awhile, drank a bottle, then back to bed!  Then she made it 10pm to after 7am!  That was pretty good.  So that was the first night I can remember where once I went to bed for the night, I didn't get back up with one or the other until morning, time to get up.  Little guy woke me up this morning around 6:30.  I don't mind 6:30 so much as we had a few 5am's in the last 7 days.  Little guy stayed with grandma and grandpa overnight last Friday night for the first time since staying there while little girl was being born!  Little guy got up at 4am for grandma and grandpa.  Luckily grandpa is an early riser as it is.  Maybe not that early, but early.  So this is definitely progress as we have you both in the same room together now.  That was the plan all along, but it took awhile to get there.  Little girl is doing so much better at night.  Not even a month ago we would be up every few hours with her.  It was almost like having a newborn again.  I think she is turning a corner now though, as we've had a good past week.  I hope it continues.  I don't think I've slept an entire night in over 2 years.  But that's ok though, wouldn't trade it for anything!  It's been worth it.  Nights are going better now, and we're happy.  =)

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