Tuesday, February 1, 2011

To My Babies

Hi babies!

I wanted to journal for you so that we can all remember these first few years better! Lack of sleep has caused your dad and I to forget some important dates and milestones, so this will help. So I want to share with you how our first few years have been going! Hope you will enjoy this, and maybe eventually share it with your babies! I will try to post pics along the way too. I have developed a habit of picture-taking. But I think every mom does. Luckily your aunt Rachel is kindof a pro at picture taking. She has a fancy expensive lens to attach to a fancy expensive camera! I've learned a few tips from her. I've gotten some good pics of my babies if I do say so myself! I will show you some of my fav's along the way. I don't really know how I was so lucky as to get a little boy AND a little girl. We will get to see the best of both worlds. Through this journal I will try to show you our world when you are young and too little to remember things. You're both growing extremely fast. My little boy turned 2 not quite 2 months ago! My little girl turned one almost a month ago! The time is flying. So here is a journal for my babies. From a proud mommy.

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